
Performing New Europe

Peter Stamer (DEU)

Später bei Peter

  • SZENE Salzburg

Some people claim that the bar is a place where people go to be lonely together. This is an assumption that Peter Stamer would seriously like to throw into question. For this, each night he is inviting three stimulating guests from diverse backgrounds in Salzburg to grab a stool and join him at the counter of the SZENE Bar. Together they will engage in both small and BIG talk about the sense and non- sense of life. Is there any better reason to go to a bar?

Peter Stamer, based in Berlin and Vienna, directs, performs, curates and mentors in the spheres of contemporary theatre and performance. In 2018 the first of his Später bei Peter series was held in the frame of PNEU Festival under the heading Tanz, Talente, Temperamente.

The guest list for each evening will be announced shortly on