


apap  - advancing performing arts project is an international network of 11 cultural organisations from all over Europe.
The network exists since 2000. Funded by different EU cultural programmes apap has managed to collaborate continuously on supporting a high number of artists as well as developing new formats according to changing artistic practices and needs throughout the years.

The project apap – FEMINIST FUTURES is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and aims for an even more ambitious undertaking: initiate powerful social changes through art.

The main goal of the project is to address inequality in the contemporary Performing Arts, using the body of thought consolidated by the term Intersectional Feminism to find concrete structural answers and raise public awareness. Not only artists, art works and formats operate under this focus, but also the network itself, each partner with their working methods and relations, considers themselves as object of inspection under this thematical umbrella.

 What will we do during these four years:

  • Support 20 artists on a long-term base, some of whom have been selected by their artists colleagues. Each of them will receive co-production grants, as well as residencies and performance possibilties.
  • During the four years we are planning more than 50 co-productions of the artists supported and around 100 presentations, also more than 50 residencies will be hosted.
  • 5 Feminist Futures Festivals will be conceived and realised by 2-3 partner organisations each. While working together on curation as well as production and PR, they will exchange, learn from each other and moreover find sustainable production structures. Each festival will appear in two similar but not identical versions in two cities, one after the other.
  • A Task Force will accompany the festivals, observing the experiment of sharing resources, and assess it as a new business model under the condititons of feminist principles.
  • A Feminist School will also be implemented in each partners location during the Feminist Futures Festival. Designed as an exchange of practices and knowledge among partners, artists and audiences in a non-hierarchical, feminist environment, it will offer all participants the opportunity to acquire new skills. Here teaching and learning is meant to be mutual, horizontal and engaging.
  • In total 55 Ventures, which are part of the regular program of each partner, provide access for local groups to Performing Arts. These outreach-projects offer the possibilty for artists to place their interests and practice in various contexts, engage with different audiences, and cooperate with specific local organisations.
  • A Learning Exchange with the School Escola Livre de Dança da Maré directed by the choreographer Lia Rodrigues in Rio de Janeiro. In her educational programme socio-political and schooling work overlap. Residencies for apap artists in Rio as well as Brazilian dancers in the partner’s organisations (each three) will be accompanied by Lia Rodrigues’ mentorship of the network.
  • A new edition of the mentoring programme Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia) which enables young critics, writers or writing artists to produce texts, artistic talks, short podcasts, etc. Two cycles of writers will visit seminars and workshops hosted by apap-partners as well as partners of the NOMAD dance academy-network

apap Partners:

BIT Teatergarasjen
Bergen, Norway
Centrale Fies 
Dro, Italy
Kunstencentrum BUDA
Kortrijk, Belgium
Maison de la Culture d´Amiens
Amiens, France

Performing Arts Institute Warsaw  
Warschau, Polen  

Reykjavik Dance Festival / LÓKAL
Reykjavik, Iceland

STATION – Service for contemporary Dance 
Belgrad, Serbien

SZENE Salzburg
Salzburg, Austria
Tanzfabrik Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Teatro Nacional D. Maria II
Lisbon, Portugal

Theaterfestival Boulevard ’s-Hertogenbosch 
’s-Hertogenbosch, Niederlande

Associated Partner:

Escola Livre de Dança da Maré, Lia Rodrigues 
Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien


apap - FEMINIST FUTURES has been funded with support from the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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