
@SZENE Salzburg/Daniel Car
@SZENE Salzburg/Daniel Car

Evanescent, an installation by Ateliers Sisu

Domquartier Salzburg presented its annual programme and also the first project of this year´s Sommerszene, which will be shown in cooperation with the museum.

During Sommerszene festival from 10 to 22 June 2025,  bubbles will ‘float’ in the courtyard of Salzburg Residence. Architect Zara Pasfield and designer Renzo B. Larriviere from Atelier Sisu will be showing their installation Evanescent, which consists of colour-reflecting foil balls. The artwork has already been shown in several cities, including London, Toronto and New York. In the courtyard of Salzburg Residence, it is intended to ‘change the perception of this historic location’, says Andrea Stockhammer, Director of Domquartier.