
Sommerszene 2024

ohnetitel – netzwerk für theater-und kunstprojekte (AUT)

Die Welt im Ganzen

  • SZENE Salzburg

In German language! New location Kommunalfreidhof!

Over 100 years ago Max Reinhardt had the idea of using Salzburg’s Cathedral Square as the setting for a play. ohnetitel revisit this idea for Sommerszene, albeit in a different location: at the cemetery Kommunalfriedhof they will set up 50 individual tables with two chairs each. The allegories that appear in the original play are represented by their contemporary equivalents in everyday life: people from Salzburg, that “everyone” can sit down with for a personal conversation. In this way the allegorical figures are seen through a variety of individual stories and faces of people who each react in their own way and offer insights into what they do. As in the play, the key theme is the question of how we should live appropriately – against the backdrop of mortality. The cemetery becomes both a mirror of the city and a living space for a wide-ranging conversation about society.
Thoughts are like melodies, there are brief, limited ones – and long, beautiful ones; but the best ones are like balls of lightning and contain the world as a whole.
(Hugo von Hofmannsthal)
The Salzburg-based collective ohnetitel regard themselves as a network that realises projects between intersections. Converging from different artistic directions into ever new forms and formats: ranging from large-scale theatre productions, projects in city neighbourhoods, salon culture and chamber plays to installations, with small core teams as well as with a large pool of performers.

Artistic Direction: Arthur Zgubic, Dorit Ehlers, Thomas Beck
Production Management: Sabine Jenichl
Production: ohnetitel  
Co-production: SZENE Salzburg
Funded by: Stadt Salzburg, Land Salzburg
Supported by: Gartenamt Salzburg