
Sommerszene 2023

Agata Maszkiewicz (POL) | Superamas

Zero to Infinity

  • SZENE Salzburg

A broad meadow in the park at Hellbrunn Pal­ace turns into a secluded outdoor stage for Som­merszene. With Zero to Infinity, a choreography for lights, landscape and sound, the Polishborn artist Agata Maszkiewicz together with the collective Superamas present a playful open­air performance. The piece takes its thematic starting point from one of humanity’s greatest questions: Where is our place in the universe? Modern science gives us plenty of explanations and representations, becoming more and more complicated, but most of the time it is poorly un­derstood. So each of us has to find our own answers. Zero to Infinity is a rendezvous at dusk. It starts with the setting sun and ends tiptoeing into the night, look­ing at the sky. The show intertwines with the wind, the sounds of the night, the moon light... and forces us to listen, to let go, and give ourselves space and time. The evening is a fascinating blend of juggling, balancing acts, dancing and speech.
Trained at the Bruckner University in Linz, Agata Maszkiewicz collaborated on several productions with the collective Superamas, as well as creating a series of her own full­length works. She currently lives in France and is one of twenty artists taking part in the ongoing apap programme Feminist Futures.

Text passages in English

Current information in case of bad weather:
+43 662 843448 and

With the support of apap – Feminist Futures 2020–2024, cofunded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

With special thanks to Schloss Hellbrunn.

A project by: Agata Maszkiewicz & Superamas Choreography: Agata Maszkiewicz
Text: Superamas
Performance: Agata Maszkiewicz, Teresa Acevedo & Superamas
Music: Antoine Tirmarche
Lighting design: Henri Emmanuel Doublier & Superamas Sound instruments: Octave Courtin & Superamas.
Costumes: Sofie Durnez
Production: Superamas & L'Association Chorégraphique Production management: Association Superamas
A coproduction OARA, Théâtre Jacques Tati Amiens, Tanzfabrik Berlin, L'Avant Scène Cognac
Residencies: BUDA Art Center Kortrijk, A Petits Pas Ruisseauville, La Métive Moutierd'Ahun
With the support of DRAC Nouvelle Aquitaine, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication France, Département de la Charente, apap – Feminist Futures 2020–2024, co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, DRAC Hauts-de-France, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication France, Région Hauts de France, Département de la Somme, Amiens Métropole
In cooperation with Schloss Hellbrunn.

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