
Sommerszene 2021

Die Rabtaldirndln (AUT)


  • SZENE Salzburg
@Nikola Milatovic
@Nikola Milatovic

»About the woman with red marks on her neck who is preparing Schinkenfleckerl in advance against her will and is expecting a bilious attack while the smell of an aroma diffuser seeps into the open air through cracks in the door. About the 75-year-old widow who for the first time in her life buys new curtains and living room furniture that suits her own taste.« (Rabtaldirndln) 
Like a group of carol singers, the Rabtaldirndln and Monika Klengel move from Graz to Salzburg to gather at the Bürgerspitalhof. Here they will tell stories, sing and dispense their blessings. They will write 20*R+A+B+T+A+L*21 in chalk and leave behind feminist wall signs. They will focus on the obscure, on hidden depths and dark secrets. And the Dirndln will look for beauty here, creating songs, lyrics and benedictions from it. So let us expose the shortcomings of our existence and sing together. 
60 mins, in German


  • Salzburg Museum-SpM-Logo.jpg