The Very Moment, the new dance piece by choreographer Anna Konjetzky, places the body’s fragility and inefficiency on stage and investigates how society deals with this. Five dancers line up against each other as if playing a game. They test their boundaries, carry on despite muscle cramps, deal with losing their balance, fall out of step, fall over, give up and start again.
Inspired by YouTube videos showing people falling over – from reeling drunks to exhausted marathon runners – the ensemble strips these falls away from their contexts and comments on the physical processes involved. The company exhibits moments where people lose control, that show how delicate and vulnerable they are and how precarious safety is. The dancers devise techniques that accentuate the body’s instability while also questioning the reactions of those who are watching. Can failure be sensual, fragility be strength and imperfection an act of liberation?
The multiple award-winning Munich- based choreographer and artist Anna Konjetzky has created dance pieces and installations since 2005, making a name for herself as an “architect of space.” Her works are characterized by a constant questioning of the body and its spatial configuration and are distinguished by their uncompromising honesty in expressing her personal views.
75min, in English with German subtitles.
Sa 22. Jun2, 14.00, Admission free!
Info & registration:
Choreography & stage: Anna Konjetzky
Dance: Sahra Huby, Taeyeon Kim, Maxwell McCarthy, Quindell Orton, Robin Rohrmann
Music: Brendan Dougherty
Video: René Liebert
Lighjt: Wolfgang Eibert
Dramaturgy: Sarah Israel
Productionmanagement: Rat&Tat Kulturbüro – Laura Martegani
Production: Anna Konjetzky
Coproduction: Münchner Kammerspiele, ARGEkultur Salzburg
Supported by the Cultural Department of the capital city of Munich
Funded by BLZT, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz, with menas of Bayerisches
Staatsministeriums für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst and the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.