Marta Navaridas (AUT)
- SZENE Salzburg
“Ever since I was a small child, I have been drawing in blue on all kinds of surfaces: from the wall in my room to schoolbooks, sneakers, magazine covers, t-shirts, underwear, furniture, boarding passes, cinema tickets, to the backside of important documents. The practice has been intuitive and continuous. In ONÍRICA I develop this practice with dancers in a choreographic setting within a gallery space. I want to transform the intimacy typically associated with drawing into an empathic and epic public process. The dancers’ lines remain as traces of movement in space.”
In her new piece ONÍRICA, which will premiere at PNEU, Marta Navaridas creates a physically intense and visually compelling play between the three performers in which emotional and physical states manifest themselves as live sketches.
After studying Translation Studies, Choreography and Mime, Marta Navaridas developed her own, text-based works, predominantly in collaboration with Alex Deutinger. She was invited by SZENE to appear in Salzburg with Pontifex at Sommerszene 2017 and Your Majesties as part of PNEU 2018.
Concept & Direction: Marta Navaridas
Dramaturgy: Alex Deutinger
Performance: Lau Lukkarila, Xianghui Zeng, Veza Fernández
Live-Music & Composition: Eduardo Raon, Manuel Riegler
Costumes: Johanna Lakner
Srage Design & Construction: Carlotta Bonura, Plan B
Outside Eye: Monika Klengel
Production- & Tourmanagement: Sophie Schmeiser
Coproduction: SZENE Salzburg
Supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Graz, Kultur Land Steiermark, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich Kunst und Kultur and apap – Performing Europe 2020, cofunded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.