Claudia Lomoschitz (AUT) / Alex Franz Zehetbauer (AUT)
Soft Skills/AyH or to find
- SZENE Salzburg
Claudia Lomoschitz und Alex Franz Zehetbauer arbeiten im Rahmen einer Residency, begleitet von Philippe Riera und dem Huggy Bears Programm, in Berlin, Salzburg und Wien an ihren aktuellen Performances. In Showings bieten sie erste Einblicke in ihre Stücke.
• In the performance Soft Skills by Claudia Lomoschitz echo chambers of the internet and interpersonal questions will become audible. How does the body react to unease, how does one encounter a fear of being touched and what about so-called soft skills?
Claudia Lomoschitz has studied Performance Studies in Hamburg, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen. Her works mostly occupy territory where the digital and the social converge with bodily perception and a love of objects.
• The seed for Alex Frank Zehetbauer’s current project is his interest in spirals and the works of the Swedish artist Hilma af Klint. AyH or to find is a collaboration between human and non-human bodies in a constant pursuit to invite the “3rd thing” into the room.
The American artist and musician Alex Franz Zehetbauer, currently based in Vienna, studied vocal performance, dance, acting and composition at the Experimental Theater Wing at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and the International Theater Workshop in Amsterdam.
Cast Claudia Lomoschitz
Choreographie, Text, Video: Claudia Lomoschitz
Performance: Claudia Lomoschitz, Nathalia Domínguez Rangel
Sounddesign: Nathalia Domínguez Rangel
Kostüme & Requisite: Michael Grössl
Dramaturgie: Julia Riederer
Rechtsextremismus-Expertinnen: Natascha Strobl, Melinda Tamas
Mentoring: Anna Hubner, Elizabeth Ward, Sebastiano Sing
Koproduktion: brut Wien
Mit Unterstützung von Stadt Wien Kulturabteilung
In Zusammenarbeit mit apap, Huggy Bears Programm und Art Place
Dank an Tanzfabrik Berlin, Caro Madl, Philippe Riera, Sebastiano Sing und Lau Lukkarila
Cast Alex Frank Zehetbauer
Konzept & Choreographie: Alex Franz Zehetbauer
Performance: Christian Schröder & Alex Franz Zehetbauer
Koproduktion: brut Wien
Mit Unterstützung von Stadt Wien Kulturabteilung
In Zusammenarbeit mit apap, Huggy Bears Programm und Art Place
Dank an Tanzfabrik Berlin und Theater in der Drachengasse